NGC 5530

NGC 5530 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Lupus. Its distance from Earth is 40 million light years. NGC 5530 is referred to as NGC 5530 in the New General Catalogue. This is a list of deep space objects that was compiled by John Louis Emil Dreyer in 1888 in an update to John Herschel's earlier catalogue.

When we observe NGC 5530, we are not looking at it as it currently appears but as it used to appear millions or billions of years ago given how long time takes to reach us from there.

How long would it take to get to 5530 traveling at different speeds? “ In year’s”

Walking (4mph) 6,663,484,255,884,955.88 / Car (120mph) 222,116,141,862,831.86 / Airbus A380 (736mph) 36,214,588,347,200.85

Speed of Sound (Mach 1) 34,738,712,268,500.13 / Concorde (Mach 2) 17,369,333,496,383.17/ New Horizons Probe 807,695,061,319.39

Speed of Light 39,745,416.19.

Imaged in LRGB with CDK 1000 at Observatorio El Sauce, Chile.

Image Processing: Mark Hanson - Mike Selby

Data Collection and Calibration: Mike Selby


Mike & Mark