NGC 1052 - 1052/F2

NGC 1052 is located at a distance of around 63 million light years from the Milky Way, and has a LINER-type active galactic nucleus which signals the intense starburst activity in the galaxy's center that were confirmed with observations with better resolution showing a number of star-forming regions and young star clusters.

NGC 1052 shows also multiple small jets emerging from its nucleus as well as a very extended disc of neutral hydrogen, far larger than the galaxy itself, all these features suggesting a gas-rich galaxy collided and merged with it 1 billion years ago producing all the above features

NGC 1052-DF2 is an ultra diffuse galaxy in the constellation Cetus, which was identified in a wide-field imaging survey of the NGC 1052 group by the Dragonfly Telephoto Array. It has been proposed that the galaxy contains little or no dark matter, the first such discovery.

Telescope: Planewave 24" f6.7 on a Planewave HD Mount Camera: SBIG 16803

Taken at Stellar Winds Observatory, a/k/a Stan Watson Observatory in Animas, NM.

Exposure: L,R,G,B 690,225,225,225 Ha addition to come.
