Wolf-Rayet 23 (HD92809)


Here is a nice bubble surrounding a Wolf-Rayet star “WR23”. Located in Carina nebula, close to the more famous Gabriel Mistral Nebula and Gem Cluster.

Wolf-Rayet stars are hot massive stars that are experiencing a normal evolution for very large stars where they lose orders of magnitude more solar mass each year in comparison to our Sun.

They form a very strong solar wind that interacts with the interstellar medium, often producing "bubbles", as shown here.

Wolf-Rayet stars are very rare stars in our Milky Way galaxy. There are approximately 500 or so of these Wolf-Rayet stars in our Milky Way galaxy, so that is not very many.

Imaged with a 24” Planewave telescope with Sbig 16803 using LRGBHAO2S2 filters.

Image Processing: Mark Hanson

Data: Mazlin, Forman, Parker, Hanson

Enjoy, Mark Hanson