“The Bull but not Taurus”

Ced 110 in The Chameleon Complex

This is Cederbad 110 (Ced 110), a small part of a much larger reflection nebula in a close, very active star forming region visible in the Southern Hemisphere. This is a reflection nebula meaning that it reflects lights from nearby stars and also has large amounts of dark dust. The complex is only about 500 light years from Earth.

This image is a joint effort with Stuart Forman and we both worked on the processing.

The data were gathered by the SWOS team of Stuart Forman, Steven Mazlin, Rex Parker and me. This was 18 hours of LRGB data taken with the Planewave 24" CDK and Moravian C5 at Obstech, Chile. 56x600 Luminance, 38x300 RGB

Enjoy, Mark and Stuart

The Chameleon

The Chamaeleon complex is a large star forming region (SFR) that includes the Chamaeleon I, Chamaeleon II, and Chamaeleon III dark clouds. It occupies nearly all of the constellation of Chamaeleon and overlaps into Apus, Musca, Carina and Octans.
Chamaeleon 1 is one of the nearest active star formation regions and is around 700 light years away.
Chamaeleon 2 contains over 40 X-ray sources while Chamaeleon 3 appears to have no star formation taking place.
Within the image on the left is the reflection nebula IC 2631 and in the center is Cederblad 111.

The Chamaeleon-Delta Rho

Image 1 Chamaeleon Mosaic

Imaged in LRGB on an Delta RHO at Observatorio El Sauce, Chile
Integration Time: 24 hours

Data: Mike Selby

Image Processing: Mark Hanson Mike Selby

Image 2

Imaged in LRGB on an RH 350 at Observatorio El Sauce, Chile
Integration Time: 24 hours

Data: Mike Selby

Image Processing: Mark Hanson