IPHASX J015624.9+652830
Explanation From Sakib Rasool
IPHASX J015624.9+652830 is a planetary nebula that was discovered as part of the IPHAS survey. It was spectroscopically confirmed as a true planetary nebula by the professional astronomer Laurence Sabin in September 2011. It has also been independently discovered by the French amateur astronomer Laurent Ferrero in 2013 and is also known as Fe 6. Its structure consists of a low surface brightness bubble with a size of 3.5 arcminutes, which is accentuated by a thin "bright" rim on the outside. It is very likely to be an ancient evolved planetary nebula that is interacting with the interstellar medium (ISM) and its intensely blue central star is easily visible near the centre. Despite its faintness, it is possible to visually observe it in very large telescopes.
Telescope: Planewave 24" f6.7 on a Planewave HD Mount Camera: SBIG 16803
Location: Stellar Winds Observatory at DSNM, Animas, New Mexico
Exposure: L,R,G,B,HA,03 280,280,280,280,900,450
100% Crop